Purpose: To equip children, youth, men, and women to be deeper disciples of Jesus.
The Discipleship ministry at White Oak is designed to help people of all ages develop a deeper relationship with Christ and to develop lifelong friendship within the church. Discipleship happens at 3 levels.
Level 1 – Large Group. This Sunday Morning Worship Service. Everything that we do on Sunday Mornings is designed to bring glory to God and to develop believers in Christ Jesus to be equipped to serve on Mission.
Level 2 – Small Groups and Bible Study. Small groups meet on Sunday Mornings at 9:45 a.m. We have groups for all ages. The purpose of each group is to dive deeper into the Word and to have a group of people that will walk in life with each other.
Bible Studies take place on Wednesday Nights at 6 p.m. Currently we have 2 Adult Bible Study groups lead by our pastors.
Level 3 – Discipleship Group. This is smallest and most intimate of our groups. It is primarily 3 to 5 people and is designed to dive deep into the Word and to have accountability in our walk with God.
Another part of discipleship that is often not mentioned as discipleship is fellowship gatherings. But we believe that these gatherings are an important part of discipleship. It is in these gatherings that friendships are made and developed. We have a number of events throughout the year to help develop relationships. You can find our events on the calendar page.